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Scotty's Collegiate Quest

Search for his P.H.D.

Join Scotty on his quest to find out where he wants to go to college.  Scotty must decide what he wants to when he grows up.  Go along with scotty as he visits many colleges and tries on career ideas.  He especially wants to find out what that P.H.D. stands for.  What will Scotty choose in the end?  Read the book to find out!

Sample story for the ESPN page.


Broadcasting Media Arts

I was kicked back on Mrs. Owens’ couch just flipping channels when it hit me.  Right in front of my eyes was an idea, straight out of ESPN.  Sports casting is a way cool job, brushing paws with all the greats.  UCLA – the University of California, Los Angeles has just the right degree for a sportscaster.  I can learn all the ins and outs of the business from great professors in a city that is barking with enthusiasm for all kinds of sports stars.  With a bachelor’s degree in Broadcasting Media Arts I can be a sportscaster.  I can just imagine my career.

“This is Scotty here with my co-anchor Tank at the Puppy Bowl.  Ruffell Wilson and Richard Shepard won last year against the Denver Bulldogs….”  I would be great!  I just wish they would make fetch a national sport.  This job has the potential for paying the BIG bones.  I’ve heard many of the anchors get well over a million dog biscuits per year!


By:  Nabi Layhei & Devon Bouldon

"Scotty's Collegiate



Paintings like these fill the pages of the book illustrating Scotty's quest to find a career and how to get the degree for it. Colleges in Texas are featured along with some from other states and even one in another country! 

Students painted individual paintings and then worked on these 24" x 24" canvases.

The project included extensive research on colleges, writing, as well as drawing and painting.

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