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No Dog Left Behind:  

Learn How To Evacuate With Scotty
Pet's Law


Learn about how Hurricane Katrina spurred people on to create the Pet's Law.  The Pet's lLaw makes provision for evacuating pets.  Any States or cites that do not help pets evacuate can loose all federal disaster funding.


Hurricane Ike


Find out what happened when Hurricane Ike hit Galveston, TX.  Did we learn anything from Katrina?  Did pets get left behind?


Hurricane Katrina


When Katrina hit no one realized the exent of the disaster to follow.  Millions of people fled and left pets behind thinking they would be back in a day or two.  In reality it was at least a month before the water allowed many people to come back.  What happened to the millions of pets left behind?


Scotty learns about art​

Scotty studies artist George Rodrigue from Louisiana and learns how he painted his dog Tiffany as "Blue Dog."

George Rodrigue was very excited about Scottys book but unfortunately passed away before it was finished.  He sent us copies of his books and some supplies to help the project.  We love George and Blue Dog and thank them for all they did to help this project.


Spokesdog Scotty


Scotty teaches about responsible pet ownership and his first book benefits the Galveston Island Humane Society!


Scotty gets a home!


Just how does a dog go from homeless stray to School Mascot?  Scotty left the streets and found a home at Scott Collegiate Academy.  Scotty spends his days at school and his nights between teachers, librarian, and the Principal's homes.


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